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Menu: To Flee

cartoon 'To Flee'

Fleeing is triggered by panic or the need to find a safer, more comfortable environment. In the animals kingdom there are many species that readily flee. Birds and rabbits take off at the earliest sign of danger, as opposed to elephants, rhinoceroses and crocodiles. People are prone to flee. Culturally, fleeing is often considered a sign of cowardice.

A more symbolic example of fleeing are people who leave when things become difficult or even more so, people who flee into a world where difficulties do not seem so hard, a world that seems easier to deal with: oftentimes in an escapist world of drugs or alcohol. Workaholics are another example of people who flee.

Fleeing in itself is a healthy reaction to danger. Many animals survive by running at the first sign of danger instead of waiting for things to become too threatening.

Voor 'je stil houden', 'je groter maken', 'vechten' en 'vluchten' als reactie op gevoelens van angst en onzekerheid hebben we geen andere mensen nodig. Er zijn drie andere mogelijkheden waar andere mensen wel een rol bij spelen, namelijk het 'teruggaan naar de groep', 'afstand houden' en 'pleasing'.

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